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Architecture and engineering undergraduate project work

Project work is central to our undergraduate degrees. Working as individuals and in groups, you'll apply the theory you learn in lectures to realistic briefs.

Project work experiences may be different this year. Find out the latest on COVID-19.

Architecture and civil engineering projects

Cross-discipline project work prepares our students for the professional team relationships they will experience in their careers. In your first two years of study, you'll develop your core technical and design skills by experimenting with different materials and building contexts. Each year as your knowledge and experience grows you'll take on more complex briefs covering structural and environmental strategies.

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A group of students listen to their tutor in our design studios.

Chemical engineering projects

Our group and individual projects give you the chance to work on problems relevant to industry and develop your technical, professional and design skills. You'll learn how to gather and analyse data to develop industrial strategies using pilot scale versions of the equipment you will one day work with in industry.

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A student examines a rig in our chemical engineering lab.

Electronic and electrical engineering projects

During your first two years, you'll work on projects to develop your knowledge of microprocessors, Java and C programming languages, electronic control and design. This lays the foundation for the more advanced project work you'll do later in your degree. During the last years of your degree you will work to industry briefs or develop your own proposals.

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Three students work on an electric race car.

Mechanical engineering projects

During your first two years you'll learn about workshop practice, experimental methods and build prototypes. In your final years, you'll work on an industry-sponsored group business and design project and an individual project, where you can focus on a specialist topic. Through these experiences, you will have the opportunity to develop your technical, design, teamwork, financial planning, management and marketing skills.

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A student smiles next to our eco marathon car.

Want to see more behind the scenes project work?

Please note that project briefs continuously change as we try to link these to current scenarios taking place in the industry. The project work experiences listed here, as well as access to facilities and equipment, are dependent on the health and safety circumstances of any given year and refurbishment/upgrade works that may need to be carried out.