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Urgent or emergency wellbeing support

If you need to talk to somebody urgently about your, or a friend's or student's wellbeing call the support helplines that are open 24 hours a day, every day.


Emergency support

If you need urgent or emergency support while off-campus, please call the emergency services on 999. If you're on campus, call University Security on 01225 383999.

Student support

If you are struggling and need some advice and support or just somebody to talk to, help is available.

Be Well - Talk Now - free support service:

Our Be Well - Talk Now service provides free, confidential advice and support by phone, video call or live chat from anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Student Support Advice Service

The Student Support Advice Service also provides support between 9am and 5pm.


01225 383838




External sources of support are also available, including , who can be contacted on 116 123.

Domestic violence and abuse

Find University support and national services.

Suicide awareness and prevention

Find information about what the University is doing to support prevention and how we can all help.

Staff support

Health Assured: wellbeing support

Access free and confidential advice 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on a confidential UK based telephone helpline.

Phone: 0800 028 0199*.

Health Assured is available to offer you practical support and information when you need it most. They also offer a range of wellbeing services to support your emotional health, both at work and at home - for you and your family. Find out more about the services they offer.

* If you require support while overseas, you can utilise the service via the Wisdom app (you can find this by searching in your app store) or options via Live Chat, Email and Video Call. Our log in code is mha201049. These will eliminate any costs that may be incurred by calling the 0800 number from another country.

The Education Support Partnership

Staff can also obtain free advice from the , an independent counselling service. It is a charity that supports staff in higher education. They provide a 24/7 telephone and email helpline. You can contact them directly on 08000 562561 or by email: support@edsupport.org.uk.

Suicide awareness and prevention

Find information about what the University is doing to support prevention and how we can all help.


External sources of support are also available, including , who can be contacted on 116 123.

Domestic violence and abuse

Find University support and national services.

Concerns about a student

If you are concerned about a student, please call 01225 38 4321 (extension 4321) to speak to Student Support or Security who are available 24/7 on 01225 385349.

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