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Exams and assessments

Information about exams and assessments, the exam schedule, where to find support and further guidance, and what to do if circumstances affect your assessment.

Semester 1 exams

Key information relating to the upcoming assessment period.

Exam schedule

An exam hall

How to access your personal exam schedule, and what to do if you can't attend an exam.

Student exam handbook

A student handbook detailing how exams and assessments take place at UoB, and outlining support and advice relating to exams.

Exams help and advice

Advice, guidance, and support for issues that may arise during both in-person, and Inspera exams.

A video guide to help you prepare for any exams you'll be taking in person.

Preparing for your exams

Guidance to help you prepare for your assessments.

Preparing for exams

Student sitting at a desk in Founders Hall taking an in-person exam.

General guidance, approaches and techniques to help you prepare effectively for exams.

Access resources provided by the Library

This short course will help you to create a schedule to manage your workload, identify potential problems you may face and offer tips to manage your time.

Read the latest posts on the Academic & Employability Skills blog for useful advice and guidance to help you prepare for your exams.

Inspera exams

Guidance and information to prepare you for Inspera exams.

Access Inspera to do a demo test, check the requirements before your exams, and do your exam

Late exam submission

What to do if you miss the deadline for your remote Inspera exam, and the penalties for late submission.

Use our videos to find out how to access demo tests, check requirements, start an exam, upload a document and submit your exam.

Circumstances affecting your exams

Guidance on help available, coursework extensions and reporting Individual Mitigating Circumstances (IMCs).

Late exam submission

What to do if you miss the deadline for your remote Inspera exam, and the penalties for late submission.

Exams help and advice

Advice, guidance, and support for issues that may arise during both in-person, and Inspera exams.

Academic integrity and assessment offences

The University’s principles regarding Academic Integrity, guidance on academic misconduct, how to engage critically with Artificial Intelligence tools, and the action the University takes in response to assessment offences.

Access wellbeing support and advice

Get support from Student Support, the Students’ Union or your Director of Studies during the assessment period.

The Advice & Support Centre in the Students’ Union is available to guide and support you during your time at Bath.

Exams help and advice

Advice, guidance, and support for issues that may arise during both in-person, and Inspera exams.

The University exam rule, quality assurance documentation and the assessment regulations

Read Rule 2, which sets out the University's rules governing summative exams, QA16, which details principles and procedures for the design & development of assessment for taught programmes, and the assessment regulations which apply to your course.

QA16 Assessment, Marking and Feedback

This QA Code of Practice statement details the principles and procedures for the design & development of assessment & feedback strategies for taught courses.

Your results

Information about your results.

Get your results

The latest news about the release of results, following the exam and assessment periods.

Understanding your results

What you will see when results are released, how results are agreed for taught courses and where to get additional support and advice.

Academic Decision Codes

A list of the progression and award decision codes students receive at the end of each stage (year) of study, and the full meaning of each of those codes.

Read the Academic & Employability Skills blog for practical ways to deal with disappointing results.

Appealing against an academic decision

The steps you'll need to take if you wish to appeal against an academic decision about you.

Information for staff

Exams and assessment-related information, guidance, and training for staff.

Contact us

For any questions that aren't answered in the guidance above, please get in touch.